Preventing Bribery in KFTD with 5 Principles of Good Corporate Governance

Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) is organized according to the principles of Good Corporate Governance, also known as GCG. These principles are not only used to perform business activities, but also to uphold the company among other competitive corporations. 

With the aim of promoting GCG as the company’s work culture, KFTD takes the following principles into account:

  • Transparency

The principle of transparency helps prevent  bribery in KFTD, from the process of decision making to the presentation of material information for the stakeholders. In line with this principle, KFTD encourages its corporate members to only share information with the right amount of clarity and accuracy. 

  • Accountability

Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution is proven to perform accountable actions for every business practice. Accountability principles are indicated by a clear distinction of job description for different divisions in the company. All of them are organized by considering the company’s vision, missions, business goals, and marketing strategy. 

  • Responsibility

Acts of Default can be avoided through responsible work culture. This also means that all members of KFTD must obey the law while taking their responsibility to serve the community and environment. 

  • Independence

Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution is run on independent principles along with objectivism and professionalism without conflict of interest. To perform these principles, each KFTD member must follow their own duties, functions, and responsibilities to support the company’s growth.

  • Equality and Suitability

The last—but not least—principles of KFTD in supporting GCG values are equality and suitability. Involving the stakeholders as one of the most important parties, these principles are applied to prevent dominance in any form. Instead, all company members are treated equally and suitably according to their roles.

Those are the principles followed by KFTD to promote good corporate governance within the company. The application of GCG values is always performed consistently and systematically, thus, making KFTD a reliable and responsible company to handle the business of the pharmaceutical  distribution chain.

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